I have a lot of solid food to digest in right now. This goes hypothetical rather than literal, though.  I don’t know, but maybe it’s because the last time I laid my eyes on my blog page was 48 years ago. Heh. A couple of days ago, something crossed my mind. The thing is, it just passed by, you know. That’s why I couldn’t remember it anymore. LOL. The next time something crosses my mind again, I would hop right away into my bag and grab a pen and paper to write on. Just so I wouldn’t forget. Anyhow, my midterm exams are over and I couldn’t be any happier. 🙂

These past few days, I have enthusiastically endured my exams on five major subjects. And when I say major, I mean MAJOR. There’s no way I’m failing any of my subjects this semester. My body water has been replaced by caffeine and soda. And so I needed to wash it out from my system (which almost leads me into breakdown due to lack of coffee intake after the hell week.) I can’t bare living without it. It’s like breathing without air, walking without legs, and munching food without teeth. HAHA. I just imagined this. I have never been confident on my exams but this time is an exception. I gave my very best this sem. So I know I will never ever have regrets come the day the grades are given. I prepared, I came, I conquered. Woo. How come nobody told me law school is far from being this difficult?!

The burden of having to collate ideas for my wedding makes me sick. Happily sick that is. Okay, sorry for the word “burden”. Don’t get me wrong on this. Truth be told, I don’t mind being burdened about our Big day 🙂 I love every bit of our preps. From motif to guestlist and everything in between, I love love it. Especially since my soon-to-be-hubby is the one most busy about it. I am so grateful that God has given me him as the best man I will live my life forever with. He has been so patient and supportive and accepted me for what I am, for what I have and I don’t have, and for what I want to become. He’s changed me a lot. He saw me transformed from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. (Okay, I think I’ll just write about this cheesiness on a separate post, don’t you think?)

As I have told you, I have a lot to digest in right now. I couldn’t pin-point exactly where this post would actually go. This is more of a rant post other than the usual realization or sharing post. Well, I hope you don’t find this outrageous, but yeah, I just had to release this stress hormones from my body. Toxic waste, eh? I promise to deliver a more appropriate post next time. 🙂

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